
About Us

Who we are, how we got here.

Make Long Lasting Memories
This is the business motto and personal aim of Lorene (Elle) Roberts, owner and creator of memorable experiences. 

Elle found an opportunity with Starlight Parties in 2018 and relocated back to Logan to start her new business.

Why Starlight Parties? 

Elle's mum Susan, was the Mom (not Mum as she was American) in the neighbourhood that made the sugar cookies, created all the craft activities at parties and so much more. After Susan passed away due to cancer, Elle wanted to carry on this tradition. 

Elle fondly remembers making lemonade stands with her Mom using Kool Aid that was sent by relatives in the States. Every year Susan would bake hundreds of sugar cookies and then have all the neighbourhood kids over to decorate them. This gave the other Mums a chance to go Christmas Shopping, wrap gifts or just put their feet up for the afternoon. Seriously, years later, those children still remember decorating Christmas cookies and Elle finds herself baking 300-500 cookies to continue the tradition.

The most memorable moments though, were during Elle’s slumber parties when she and her guests would do arts and crafts with Susan. As a child, Elle didn’t understand or appreciate the amount of work that went into planning those activities. But she sure does now. She also knows everyone is busy, and can see quality family time being sacrificed time and time again. So Starlight Parties is here to do all the preparation, set up, take down, and laundry for you so you can be present and engaged in your child’s activities..

Talk to Elle, and see how Starlight Parties can help you Make Long Lasting Memories